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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tri-city Run Around

Yesterday was fun. I went to Shah Alam to visit my friend and her brood of cats.This is mainly because my friends from Puchong wanted to adopt one of her kitties. My friend lives in a flat and could only afford the mother, Che'Mong. Funny name...
So like it or not, she has to give away the kitties. They may be cute now, but soon they will be financially unfavorable to a student living on a tight budget.The four of them together. After playing with them for the good part of the day, my friends finally decided on the black one with white socks. It is aptly nicknamed "Jumper" for now or "Jumpa" because she likes jumping a lot.

It was a close race between Jumpa and "Princess" Panadol. This is the owner's favorite and she will only give her away to the most deserving. She is easily the most beautiful of the brood, an apparent 'princess-type' of kitty. I wasn't sure why my friends didn't pick her. They preferred Jumpa because she was more active.This is Toe Sucka. He is the smallest, yet the most active. It reminds me of that small boy in class with the annoying face every girls love to hate because he is simply obnoxious.Toe Sucka at work. He licks, then scratches and bites. There are better scratching poles you know...This is Pumpkin. My friend's roomie's cat. Pumpkin is a very docile and submissive male. He is cross-eyed and has a long body like a sausage dog. He may be bigger than Che'Mong, but he is a big freaking coward. Che'Mong owns his ass. What you have here is the cat version of a cangkul, really.
Pumpkin is like that geek that tries to hide his big bulk in an obscured corner of the house. Most of the time, he'll be hiding behind the washing machine or the desk and all you see of him is half of his face. I mean seriously, it tried to 'slink' away in the middle of the room! How stupid can you get?
However, the all-black kitty in the middle here, adores him. He follows Pumpkin everywhere, like an apprentice looking up to his role model. I fear this kitty's future...

We bought all the stuff for the cat from a pet shop nearby. After that we left for Puchong to the cat's new home. It was amazing how we managed to get there in record time because of our reluctant but very efficient driver. But the trip to KL was hampered by massive jams.

I had a dinner appointment with Totchi and Ezra later that night but I was a good one hour late for it. I'm sorry T-T...

Totchi dressed up very nicely last night and we all forgot to take pictures!!!

I feel like an out of place kid next to her...

Oh, I wished we could have talked longer. Its because I had already asked daddyo to send Totchi back to her hotel that night. That hotel is at an obscured corner of China Town, you see...
But it was incredibly fun talking, catching up on each other and uh, old stories revisited xD.

Today I'm holding a birthday gathering at Secret Recipe BB so all who's been guys better come!

I know, it's a little early since my birthday is really 22nd April next Tuesday. But you know, the next weekend's date is further from my actual birthday than this one :D.

So, Ta'ra!

1 comment:

Farris said...

They are so adorable!! *hearting*
I wish we could have one just right now, but the timing would be bad to adopt one now... *sobs be an ocean to drown in*