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Thursday, April 17, 2008


Aaahh highschool. How I was glad to be rid of it.

A few of the highschool couples I know are still together, surprisingly. Good for them. I am not into the whole dating your classmate thing. Even now...

Around mid last year or so I went home for the semester break and stumbled onto some old schoolmates. I was genuinely surprised and curious as this one was our old class monitor. And when we were in form 2 he had a terrible crush on my friend which the whole class ended up knowing about. I even read his confession letter which was hilarious. I still remember that letter whenever I see him. It's just too bad he had prolly forgotten about it. It would have been fun to have him squirming in embarassment each time I see him and the thought of the letter occured to him.

But guys. They have such bad memories.

During that little encounter, I asked for his cell number. I was tired of having "old friends" texting me out of the blue without disclosing who they were. So I made a point to update as much numbers as possible. And I know our ex-class monitor was one of those who change numbers often. I tried that number that night, making sure he was saving my right number too. It was right. I texted him for a while after that, just catching up on old times.

I'm sorry, I really was just using him to get information on the others. Harmless gossip, nothing more. xD

So anyway...a few nights later, he "randomly" sms'd people out of boredom. I replied back because well, I was free. He was "surprised" because I was the only one who replied. But I didn't like his tone. He was in the middle of a romantic chasm and I hated it. I turned the tone a good 360 on the next text!

The chasm disappeared in an instant.

No way is he going to consider me a potential "mate". I do not date classmates and he couldn't afford me anyway. He had just broken up with his girlfriend, at the "expense" of my close friend so no way was he getting any mercy from me.

It amazed me how he even thought of trying. It made me feel insulted too, in a way. I have been looked down as level as those other girls who would hook up with a guy by just a couple of sweet words. It didn't matter if the guy had the face of a wall.

A pathetic attempt. Expected of a pathetic moron.

I went on a field trip to Ipoh to visit my friend there during the Chinese New Year holidays. Imagine my contempt when I found out he was smsing my friend asking for her advice on a girl! Somehow I am very protective of this friend because she has a history of being too nice to people and some people took advantage of her (back off, I'm the only one who's allowed to do that to her, okay?! I mean come on, if she's too busy attending to other people, what about my needs? I ha to defend my rights you know). Besides, she was in the middle of reading a very intriguing manga and it was criminal disturbing people when they are engrossed like that!

So check this out. He said there was this girl in his class who "challenged him to tackle her". I mean, WTF! WHY DO YOU NEED TO BOTHER MY FRIEND ABOUT SOMETHING SO STUPID ANYWAY?! IS HE TRYING TO SAY HE'S SO POPULAR THAT THERE'S A GIRL WHO'S CHALLENGING HIM TO TACKLE HER?!

Without really asking for permission, I took my friend's phone and replied in her stead. I told him that the girl was just playing with him and she already liked him. He said he wasn't "sure" if he should pursue it or not. I told him if he doesn't like her, don't pursue it. The main issue is that: she likes him, but does he like her back? Yeah, she's cute, but is that all? Guys can be so shallow.

In the end I basically told him to go fuck himself. Well okay, not literally. I was still "my friend" he doesn't know it was me. He must be wondering why my friend was suddenly so mean. I didn't remember what his conclusion, but if I'm not mistaken, he decided to take the middle path. At least for now. Apparently the girl has had a crush on him since last year. Yeah like I care.

But above all I was surprised how my friend was his crying place when he and his previous girlfriend broke up. I would have confronted him about it if I had had the time or opportunity. Bastard.

Suckers should just drop dead and stop wasting oxygen.


Farris said...

My conclusion: love is all about death, suicide and murder. Here are some fine examples:
- leave me breathless
- can't live without you
- take me to heaven
- I'd die for you
- you hurt me, boohoo
- I give you my life/heart (yeah, slice me open!)

My everlasting love for Husband and Vyers is everlasting! *heart* Well, until they start to malfunction or something, lol.

Atziluth said...

Wow...that sounds downright suicidal.

Husband and Vyers better be faithful xD.