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Friday, March 7, 2008

A Field Trip

Last Friday I went on a field trip to the MATRADE Tower Exhibition Center. I went there mostly to find some research materials for this International Business project we're doing. My part is to find out about Malaysia's exports. And Malaysia it seems, exports just about anything under the sun. This is also a chance for me to take Camus out on a full field trial. And he did not disappoint. I am happy XD.
One of the great thing about the exhibits there is that, you can sit on all the couches, and even roll over on the beds! There is not a single 'Do Not Touch' or 'Do Not Sit' sign everywhere! I went with Khaye and Mary and we took a lot of pictures between ourselves. Though I do remember to take pictures of the exhibits as well. I saw some Malay Tea, apparently a locally grown tea. I know Cameron Highlands has tea, but I never thought we'd have a tea unique to this region.
Still, their packaging looks nice XD.

The purpose of this exhibition is to expose locally made products to potential international buyers who want to import them to their countries. There were small trolley wheels...

To big wheels....
To candy wheels.
All can be found at MATRADE. Just that, when we went there, they are currently renovation the place, apparently in preparation for a big exhibition to come. Wonder if I'll go to that one too. But one thing for sure, that place sure is HUGE.

After about an hour of toiling around MATRADE, we decided to end the day at Pavilion because someone has a hankering for doughnuts. So off we went.
And to the toilets where they have mirrors the lenght of the walls to indulge in endless vanity.

It was a job well done for Camus!

It was raining quite heavily when it was time to go home. I didn't bring an umbrella so I had to buy one. And that umbrella turned out faulty just after a couple of uses. *mutters angrily*


Fun day. Next I'm going to talk about the play I went to on Sunday. Had quite an eventful weekend indeed!

1 comment:

Farris said...

Whoa, Camus really satisfy eyeball needs!

Haha, wheels...!!