Anyway, on to my daily anecdotes because we all know how exciting those are. Lately I seemed to have establish an "image", not that it's weird, being me. This "image" dictates that unless I am talking and conveying my uncensored thoughts which would make most people cringe just thinking about saying it, I am not 'myself'. So whenever I am silent, writing stuff that has no relation whatsoever to the lecture, I am up to something. Something interesting and worth to note, even though nothing like that ever transpired. If I am not up to something then it means I am mad and there is a need for me to clarify the reason why I am mad. So I basically have only two choices: be talkative or be mad. Great to be me isn't it?
Should I really disclose to people everything that goes through my mind? Am I not allowed a moment to stare off blankly into the distance for no reason? Do I have to spell it out that I am what I am, and I don't always have a motive for doing whatever it is I do?
I find clarifying people very exhausting. Really. Whatever it is that is emotionally or mentally taxing gets me tired very quickly.
If you want an insight into my head, just watch my expressions. I am very honest with them, especially when I'm watching TV. But when in a social setting I am very guardful of them too (mostly driven by motives, sorry). I believe you should honestly convey your feelings to people. So if I don't like you, but I don't say, it's easy to tell by my face. Like I said, I found pretending to be exhausting and I prefer to reserve my energy for more productive stuff.
Yes, I am always plotting, planning and delibarating. All these go on in my head and they are driven by many motives. Sorry to say most of these motives come through self-interest, but everyone is allowed to be selfish right? And since I have a rich inner life (psychological term for you), I dwell on them a lot, and when it gets too much, I write them down, to free up space. Now you see why I need three blogs?
I thought I should clear it up. Since whenever I'm approached by this "are you mad?" question I get annoyed and get mad for real. But when I do disclose the matter, they would pretend to listen only to hit me back saying 'how much worse' they are off than I am. *muttersmutters*
On to happier matters.
I downloaded Abingdon Boys School last night after I fell in love with their song Nephilim.
This rock band was named after some school in Europe. It is a trend now to look west-ward when looking for a band name in Japan. Like The GazettE for example.
They are actually wearing similar checkered pants under those kilts. I haven't found a favourite yet though the vocalist has a hot voice. But I am shallow and judge them by looks and nobody stood out. My interest on them may therefore be limited to just their songs. I noticed that their songs all carry the same style, which is rare in an album. They found their niche and stayed true to them the whole way.
Their songs are all very emo and I am uh...emo, remember?
Also, while looking for recent updates on the post-election news, I stumbled upon an ad that says 'get paid to write!'. Being the curious George that I am, I clicked on it.
It then led me to, a place where you can actually get paid for writing reviews on whatever; books, newspaper articles, journals etc.
Since I had nothing to lose, I decided to write a review on Artemis Fowl. So if you guys would help me, please go to the site and rate my review XD. I find it a little long though, but it did say the shortest summary is 300 words, though I see other reviews which are less than even 200 words hmmm. I am planning to write more, especially on books that I have and loved. And yeah, I have a lot of books. What I loved about it is that you can write first, register later. So I did.
If you are interested in writing a review or summary, I suggest you check out other summaries that have been written about the book you want to write about. Lucky for me, the others whom had written the summary for Artemis Fowl seemed to have overlooked grammar and punctuations XD.
Oh and give me some good ratings! Thank you and good night!
That Abingdon Boys School frontman is T.M. Revolution right?
He had a few nice songs. This band has a few too... like "Howling", its not bad, too bad im over jrock.
Yeah Howling was the OP for the anime Darker Than Black, which was cool coz it didn't have girls with bouncing boobs hehehe.
I need to get more of their other songs though.
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