Then PMS kicked in, and I had to loosened my belt one hole behind and was hit by massive stomache. By lunch time I had to buy an emergency pack of Kotex and sort myself out. Trust me. This was not the first time.
Either way, first day period pains are not easily relieved by merely changing pads. Whatever those ads tell you, they lied. You can only relieve the pain by medicine and I, who have never tried menstrual pills before, decided today I desperately needed one to get through my afternoon class.
Just as I was making my way out of Jusco towards Guardian, I received a text that our afternoon class has been mercifully canceled. Just last night I was doing some self-checking and realized that I have over 96 of free hours a week and this afternoon off is going to add to that. I briefly thought of doing some shopping, and dropping by Times Square for my friend's errand. briefly. Then, my uterus started acting up and all thoughts of pleasure went out the window. I needed to rest. Badly.
I went to Guardian. And they were out of Panadol Menstruals. I cursed and walked away, waving goodbye to the mascaras.
I made my way to subway, and bought two sandwiches. One for lunch, the other for dinner, so I dont have to worry about it later. By then I was already in a prissy mood and my first victim was the guy serving me at Subway. I am not repentant.
The bus ride to KL was bumpy and terrible. Luckily it wasn't peak hours so I got two seat for myself. Unfortunately, the seat, the people and the whole bus stank, like how public transport always do and in addition to giving me a headache, it worsened my mood. I was already wondering if I could survive the train ride and short walk home.
Therefore, when i reached my stop, which was conveniently at the side of a main road, I hailed a cab. Five ringgit and five minutes later, I was home. Thinking of the slightest chance that the sundry shop in our apartment would have panadol menstruals, I went to the lobby instead of all the way up to the fourteenth floor. Out of curiousity, I stuck my hand into our mailbox and my palm struck gold.
Indeed, resting on top of our pile of mail, was this snug little package. The stamps are nice.
It was the DVD Watashiwa-san had sent me from Norway.
I examined the package and found that it had cleared Malaysian customs on Septemeber 25th, therefore it was possible that it reached me before I left home for raya, therefore the reason the guard didn't inform me of any packages arriving when I was gone was because it had already arrived before then.
The package obviously had went through a hell of a trip, looking at the rip at the corners and how crumpled it was. Anyway, that doesn't matter. I am only interested in the content.
My own, first, original Final Fantasy XII game!!!!!
You can see that, obviously, but I have been craving for this game for so long, I was numbed with happiness. This is the first original PS2 game I own. I had to kiss up to Watashiwa-san a lot to obtain this.
Originals are really something. I didn't know all originals come with a booklet of manuals. Just very basic manuals. I have a few originals for PS1, one for PSP and one for PS2, and they all have booklets. It's pretty neat. They are all legitimate and stuff. After all, I don't feel good about 'stealing' from my favorite manufacturers.
Having this game in my grasp, I pulled Kujong out of his sleeping bag and plugged him in. I popped the DVD inside him and started playing. The downside of this was that it didn't recognize my previously saved data. Having no other choice, I played from the beginning. Which was awesome - nothing freezed! I did not mind replaying it because it had been over ten months since I last touched it. And besides, there were some items I wanted to find.
Afterwards, 6-hour++ straight of gaming ensued. I finally stopped after getting a terrible headache from staring at the screen too long. There is always tomorrow. xD I am so happy!
I am swallowing that game whole. Now my life is complete. xD xD
p/s btw, if you were wondering, the sundry shop didn't have panadol menstrual and my stomach ache disappeared while I was immersed in the game. xD Kujong is great therapy.
Guh, what start on a day. D: *pats*
The envelope didn't look that bad! I though it would be more abused. Blahaha! I'm glad it made the journey. Anyways, I like buying gifts for poeple, give me a yell if there's something else on thy desire-list! There's a big market on used games now a days since Gamestop have bought the earlier "free record shop".
Booklets are awesome. It's even better when they include postcards and small posters!
Original games rock! Unless they're super hard to find, then pirates rock! Uh...
xD xD xD
We-lll, since you insist, I'll definitely give you a shout when I find something I absolutely have. xD
You do the same now. I'll get you anything post-able. Sorry, it means laksa is out of the question. xD
hahah pelik li rasa nangga awak happy gile dapat game ori. kawan saya salu beli nok ori kali, ya rasa cam sikda prasaan da ngan game ori. sitok nang sikda pun game pirate. hahaha. p game ori nang best la sbb nya ada booklet. kiut baaaaa.
anyways, enjoy!
Don't mind me. I am deprived, remember? Wallowing in my own sakainess is fun.
Try it sometimes. It's good therapy.
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