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Friday, October 24, 2008

Good Times

To say this was a busy week would be inaccurate. In fact, I was so free, it was a crime! And rightly so, since I'm supposed to complete two assignments by tomorrow. But I really only have to do one by this weekend. The other one is due next week, or anytime before November 3rd and it's really already too over-discussed in class. I just hope my answers won't be too similar or schematic with the others.


If I forgot to mention, I had an open house last Sunday. Thanks to everyone who came. I'm sorry that the laksa was a bit funny D:. Here are some of the people who came, and funny enough, most of them came in pairs. Here are my ex-homies, wearing opposing colors. Normally it's the opposite who wears pink and blue. Khaye and Mary came over after attending a wedding at Batu Caves. They had a bit of a sleepover before they ate. They were the last to leave too. Good fun.
Pictures are posted without permission, of course xD.
The next day, Monday, sensei gave me this, to thank me for the kueh lapis I gave her soon after raya.
She said so here. It's in full hiragana for those who can understand it. Basically saying 'thank you very much. It was very delicious. - Ooshiro *heart*' xD So now we know where those funny doodles in the textbook came from.And I suppose she wanted to return this container back. Even though there was no need since this is a disposable and I gave them away often. In a cute Sushi King bag too.

This week is the last class week we have. Starting next week till our first exam paper is the final exam. I have one resit, but that teacher said the topics are the same. All the same syllabus. Possibly the same questions. As I said, our college uses repeat exam papers to make life easier.

I need to start planning my studies now.

Oh, oh, I've started exercising again. It's been two weeks and I feel great! Cliche, I know, but so true. I take less effort to do things now and my breathing feels so smooth it was as if my body draws on the energy from the oxygen by automatic! Of course, I wanna lose weight, but I also want some strenght and flexibility. And the great thing is that, they both come as fast as the fat goes! Though I can only exercise on the weekdays because of my annoying neighbours. I hope they are away this Deepavali even though they prolly don't celebrate it. I am going to exercise that Monday morning hehehehe.

I completed my goal of three exercises per week today, and I have class in the afternoon. Last class of the semester. Need to shower. Have homework to complete hehe.


1 comment:

ReddeviLs Lover said...

ohh its me there..
nice blog anyway.