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Monday, March 8, 2010

It's Sad

It's sad but there are pretty girls and there are those who attracts only weird men.

I am the latter. Sadly. T_T I cannot act girly or even dress any girlier than I could stand. I like dressing up all girly once in a while, but normally only during special occasions. When I do dress up like that, I attract the attention of weird men; security guards, bus drivers, bell boys, strangers on the streets, shady foreigners.

That's why I dress down, and looked a little immature if I have to. Security purposes you see. And that is why I will not be like one of those pretty girly girls. It doesn't matter if they have only half a brain, or takes advantage of men - and those bastards know it - they are happy just to be SEEN walking with these girls.

That's why I'll die alone with my ten cats someday.



Kloptops said...

lol, did our conversation last night get you thinking?

When I first read the comment:
"It's sad but there are pretty girls and there are those who attracts only weird men."

Made me immediately think in defence:
"pfft, I'm not that weird..."

Anonymous said...

Tedah ali jak bunyi.

What happened to your Rich-Arab guy plan? XD

Btw, I think Kinokuniya attracts more weird people than you do.

Rei said...

Gimme a cat. I think I'll need one too.