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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy Things

I thought it'd be bad leaving such a sad (literally) post as my latest entry for too long. So here's something different. Thank you for the two guys who left the comments. Check them out if you're so inclined, my dear readers (I know a low of you guys don't admit that you read my blog, but that's okay hehehe).

And to proof that not all men I met are weird, just the other day, as I left work early I went to Choc Boutique at the concourse floor of KLCC to get myself a Bourneville almond choco bar FINALLY, I have had to stay away from this guilty pleasure for too long due to my post-chicken pox pantang. Ever since then I've had at least one whole chocolate bar a day. Anyway, back to my visit to the Choc Boutique.

So as I was paying, the manager was at the counter, counting the day's sale. He looked down at me (it was a raised counter), and asked if I live at *name of apartment*. I said yes, and made an exagerrated surprised reaction, as I just realized I was giving this information to a stranger. So I asked him how he knew. He said he lived in the same building and reminded me that he met "you and abang" (I clarified that that was my father and his name is also Abang (meaning brother in Malay), although I wasnt sure if he introduced himself that night, and when he does, he always introduces himself as Abang or sometimes Rahman) in the lift and he lived on the 13th floor below us. It took me a minute to remember who he was, and if I wasn't mistaken he was Bangladeshi/Myanmar/Pakistan or something to that effect and has been living in the country for 8 years, working for Famous Amos's chocolate division. Turned out he manages the Choc Boutique chain belonging to Famous Amos. And I thought he just supplies Famous Amos with chocolates!

I told him I work at Kinokuniya and then he gave me a free box of Almond Tuiles! Whee! I didn't take a picture of it, but here's one I found online.

Source A Vietnamese site...

I was so happy because I was so hungry and the day was boring and crap, only to have a free snack at the end of the day! Life is fair again! xD

And here I thought I only attract weird men.

So anyway, what would YOU do if something like THIS crawled up your leg?

And not just one, but two of them? Would you...
a) Relocate it to somewhere safe like outside
b) Relocate it from your leg to the floor then squish it
c) Relocate it from your leg to the floor then jazz it with a cow prod

Someone actually got one on his leg, slapped it to the floor and accidently squished it (eew). The second one got away, photographed and went about safely outside. But seriously, IT'S ONE HUMONGOUS SPIDER! D: If it were me, I'd screamed, kick my legs and head straight for the broom.

It's called a huntsman spider, and is apparently quite common in Australia. *shudders*

On to something more commercial. Snackellery finally has its own blog! YAY! I have post up five bracelets up for sale in Malaysian Ringgit only. There are only five of these sushi charm bracelets for now, so if you want, better grab them quick! I don't know when I'll have time to make anymore soon. Here's a sample.

They basically look like this, all 92.5 Malaysian silver; the best grade of silver around, quality assured. And look, even Balthier approves!!
He is Snackellery's exclusive model, and he even has some things to say about it! So, be sure to check out the Snackellery blog and err, buy stuff!


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