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Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's Not So Bad

My recent posts must have made it sound like my life is depressing. But on the contrary, I left the junk in my head on this blog and walk away a happier person. Just now I called up Borders to ask about the latest Yaoi that they most probably will have. They picked up on the third try. Well, considering it's Sunday, I was lucky to be picked up at all. If it was Kinokuniya....I would gladly ignore the call in favor of the walk-in customers crowding the counter. This time I knew better than to give them the title. I just gave her the ISBN number. I had several bouts of frustration during those long days of calling in about Junjo Romantica 10. They always misspelled.

Anyway, they don't have the manga yet, and if I'm not mistaken, it hasn't even been ordered yet. But the girl said call-in reservation was accepted, so I'm happy either way hehehe.The manga is out; that's all that matters. Too bad kino doesn't order yaoi anymore.

But anyway, the first Japanese essay I did was very elementary school level. It was a jikoshoukai. Very simple. But I think I went overboard in telling about my hopes and dreams, and being told my English was too good by my superior as my primary motivation to improve my Japanese now. But I wrapped it up by 'subtly' inviting the sensei over to Kinokuniya. The sensei underlined the last sentence and put a big smiley right next to it! Hahaha

I was admittedly bitter and sad and very determined when I wrote that essay, and I supposed the feelings came through. Since then, sensei has been giving me specific instructions whenever we're doing 'trivial' class activities. If it was just a simple dialogue session, he'd tell me to write it down, and went out of his way (by using English, which is really not allowed hehehe) to explain stuff to me. No offense to my previous sensei, but she intimidated me a bit. This latest sensei reminded me a lot of Ooshiro Sensei who is no longer Ooshiro since she got married. But let's just call her Ooshiro.

Even BAUC and people I'm friendly with at work patted my back (figuratively) and told me to go for it after I told them about my plan. I was surprised, really, because they knew it would be hard, since everything is done differently; from ordering to display to customer demographics. And somehow they thought I could do it. I am daunted by the prospects, but nevertheless excited by it; all those stuff I could learn!

It's silly how happy I get from their subtle encouagement. Thank you. xD

I will do my best!

Time for work! Whee


p/s How are you by the way, Klops?

Lynn: Indeed she is shallow, and I have decided to not take her words to heart. Dumbing myself down for the sake of dumb people? How dumb can you get!?

Rahim: That sounds so mafan.

1 comment:

Kloptops said...

Hehe, I'm good! <_<