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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Random Crap III

Hello. I mailed those three packages today. I used registered mail for all three and the total bill was quite...awesome. But it's the perfect balance. It may take up to over two weeks for the packages to arrive at their assigned destinations, but in the case they didn't, it would have an address to return to. Registered mail is like that.

Happy birthday to all you people!

Today I put on contacts after a while. I think the last time I put on contacts was that time in Singapore? Anyway, it was months ago. I still dont like it. But glasses...sighs. I am going to do laser eye surgery the moment I can afford it.

Good news for me, Kurohime is due to arrive tomorrow (Wednesday). It's been delayed for two days now. I feel like screaming at someone and make him ride the bus instead. Puke and bangla in tow!

For now all I have is the keys. Keys, but no car. Life is so irony.

Yesterday my dad remarked how different I walked when I wore heels (it was really only an inch and a half high) compared to wearing sneakers. Really. I was tempted to make him use heels instead. You are forced to walk all lady-like in heels. He even 'immitated' my 'rough' voice as if I was some gangster or giant out to devour innocent little children (which may not be halfway from the truth). I groaned and rolled my eyes at him making it very obvious how ancient he was being. What he desribed was a phase.

Everyone goes through phases. Some just don't want to admit it. There was a childish phase, the tomboy phase, the tease-the-boy-you-like phase, the I'm-cooler-than-you phase, the I'm-so-much-more-mature-than-you phase and there are several more as you grow into your twenties. For me I'm going into a phase where I'm trying to act my age. I want to be taken seriously. Because now, when old men wink at you or make passes at you, it's rather startlingly acceptable compared to when you were a teenager because now you're considered young women not girls. And I believe it is important to realize that. Not only will you be able to protect yourself better, it also gives you certain rights that you should be aware of.

Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to say you should shed every bit of childish personality you have (God knows I still poke people and things at odd places every now and then). I just mean that you should act your age. Grow up. Be mature. Accept that people change. You're no longer required to act like you were in high school. Shed that high school mentality, that outlook, that image. Peer acceptance can go get stuffed. It's stupid to think about what people think about you. They don't decide your future after college. You do.

And here I may sound like I'm contradicting myself, but go do whatever you want. If you wanna change how you dress, go ahead. If you wanna change your look drastically, go ahead. If you wanna hang out with different people, go ahead. If you wanna study something 'uncool' or listen to 'boring' music then by all means, go ahead! The world is yours for the taking. You're an adult. You have an immense measure of freedom now, but also an immense measure of responsibility. Do whatever you want within your own boundaries. Life is too short to be doing things according to what other people think is good.

I told my dad that I am currently trying to shed my 'student' look though it's rather impossible now since I am always totting a bag around and wearing sneakers. I'm not trying to be all lady-like too. I'm not a graceful person, but I do like the occasional heels and dressing up is certainly fun. What I'm trying to achieve is that I don't want to look like someone who holds on to the past and my childhood and looks as if I refuse to grow up. You're only 17 once. You're only eighteen once, and you're only 21 once. I find it scary how people go study as far as the other side of the world, only to come back looking exactly the same as when they left. They pride themselves as being "True to their old self" but I only see it as being stuck in time. We have moved on. The world have moved on. It's time you realize that.

Go and get a life.



Farris said...

Oooh, can't wait to see Kurohime! Thou shalt fare with class!

Oh lord, HEELS! Jut thinking about it make me eyetwitch. My grandmother bought me a pair of those when I came home, for formal purposes, but what are the chances for that to happen? They're not even that tall, 1"ish, and I trip like a landlubber.

I wonder what phase I'm in. Maybe the "stop-thinking-I'm-a-minor" phase. D:

Atziluth said...

Phases are fun. And Kurohime is being delayed again to Friday. Seriously. I feel like screaming at someone and make him drive me to school instead.

Kurohime better get here soon. I need to start stalking Mr. Mountain Goat damnit!