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Monday, March 16, 2009

New Project!

Don't you just love new projects? It's a personal project of course! Surprisingly, it was something I thought at the spur of the moment and forgotten (as happens with lots of my ideas) but SURPRISINGLY! And I do mean SURPRISINGLY and I do not mean it in any negative way possible, the Sponge remembered! SPONGE! REMEMBERING THINGS!


Even I have forgotten about it. And what timing! I'm in the midst of looking for other books to write! I just found myself a new project! Wheee! I can't tell you or you'll steal my idea. But I don't think most people would bother with so much effort. Anyway! New project! (If you ask nicely, I'll tell you :D).

Watshiwa-san, my path to Norway looks bright!

p/s btw, I replied to your comments.

1 comment:

Farris said...

I REALLY hope the path opens during summer times. D:

I heard something about September, possible, but by then I've moved out and busy with college-things. If I they want me to college that is, ahahaha... So, a trip to Legoland and such is out of the question I'm afraid.