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Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Dusty Uniform

I've been under quarantine for a week now and seriously I'm getting bored of it. I finally got a draft for my ISP2 paper, so it's not all a waste of time trying to get over my itchy back, which, by the way, is no longer itching. In fact, I have started scabbing. Just not on my hands. Hrmmm. And I'm still contagious.

Anyway, I think I ate something bad last night which had caused me poop three times today. For the moment no more mamak food. I called up my own original mamak and asked her the recipe for this white mushroom gravy we always eat with meatloaf and potato pie. Then I went out and bought the ingredients. I came back, prepared the ingredients, and was planning to cook after maghrib, but I ended up cooking it anyway. It was finished before maghrib! Now I'm just waiting for the potato to boil hehehehe.

I'll take pictures later heheheh.

Oooh the potato is done!


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