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Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 - What a Great Year!

For all the things I couldn't achieve in 2009 (like graduating), 2009 was still an awesome year for me!

Things I achieved in 2009:
1. I finally started my own businesses (yes, plural).
2. I got employed working at my favorite bookstore in my long sought-after apron.

...I'm sure there are other intrinsic things that needed mention, but for now these are all I could bother to think about. Besides, these two things more than make up for what I didn't achieve. For that alone, I am happy.

Now 2010 is going to be an even better year because I actually wrote down my new year resolutions. And don't think I don't know that some of you out there are actually anticipating this! Haha!

Ahem. Now, my list. For 2010 I solemnly vow to do my best to fulfill these resolutions, come hell or high water or die trying:

(in no order of importance, except for the first one)

1. To graduate! Needs no explanation!

2. To go on that Scandinavian tour xD.

3. To complete my Japanese lesson Advance 1 and 2 and JLPT level 3.

4. To eat my supplements everyday (coz they are expiring soon heheh).

5. To come up with several plans (for my future) for the coming year.

6. To have RM1087.92 in saving by the end of the year (that's my yearly loan repayment from nov 2010-oct 2011 btw).

7. To achieve my targeted amount of Snackelery sales.

8. To clean the house every two weeks.

9. To check my monthly planner at least once a week.

10. To exercise 3 times a week and lose 5 kg! (This is a must every year!)

There. I tried to be as precise as possible and tried to avoid words like 'at least' because I know I'll just be doing the minimum amount. Except for the planner thing because I'll be going to it several times a week anyway to add or remove stuff.

I've been sooooooo tired with work that I have no energy by the time I get home. I even requested only 4 days of work a week starting January to accomodate my two pending classes. I finally went to school today and inquired about them. No time for anger and being a wronged wife. Progress. The tools have been handed to me. Now it's time for me to get to work!

And I will graduate by the end of this year!

I spent new year's night doing the taboo of Chinese New Year's eve: cleaning! Out with the old dust, in with the new :D heheh. So how did you spend new year's eve? xD

Happy New Year 2010! Ta'ra!

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