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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Aaah~ Real Life

I'm still selling those cotton by the way, but since this is not a business blog, I won't be mentioning as aggressively as I should. I really am not a hard seller. :D Seriously.

Normally you learn all sorts of business theories in school, but this is those theories put to the test. And man, don't they make it sound so much easier on paper. Do this right and this will surely happen. They just forgot to include everything else in between 'do' and 'happen'. A few things I've learned during my short time as a seller:
  1. Cash paid now is better than cash paid later. No arguing this.
  2. You do not question your customers' taste. You are not selling them things.You are selling an image of what the customer sees of themselves.
  3. A sale made is a sale made. It doesn't matter who the sale is made to. And,
  4. Patience is a virtue. Buckets, and buckets loads of it. And also,
  5. Thou shalt not be greedy.

It's just too bad that I am impatient, and may be a little greedy as well. But this is just the beginning, and as the cash slowly trickle in, my spirits are lifted. I hope it's the end of the month soon. Hehehehehehehe.


p/s I'm not even attending public unis yet I have their convocation dates for 2009 and the numbers to their student affairs departments. I wonder why? xD


Farris said...

Yes indeed. Good luck!

Say, if you ever need a shophouse, I'm sure the one my mom own in Semarahan is quite deserted. =P

Atziluth said...

hahahaha. You're quick! But Samarahan is so out of the way. We'll keep in touch about that one still, though. Hahahahaha.