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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Amusing Day

Today started out pretty nicely, with me waking up early to pray, and then proceeded to the gym. I saw an ang moh, though it wasn't goat. Sighs. But I had a good workout, which was long overdue.

Then I had breakfast, washed up, did laundry, dressed up and ready for a long day. That is until I sat in the car and turned on the ignition.

Kurohime wouldn't start on me. Sighs. So what to do but call daddyo. I informed him of my plight and he said he'll drop by next Wednesday. I hope he's quick because I am in desperate need of white clay. So, all dressed up with my initial destinations impossible, I went online and bought those silver headpins and jump rings, then proceeded to Times Square to get them, and to have lunch.

The Arab food stall at the food court really do have good food, but more likely so when the boss is around. The staff treated me like I was one of them because I'm a young Malay girl and we treat each other like we're old friends, not as paying customers. I had grilled prawn fried rice. I should have been warned by the cheap price:RM5. All I got was a plate full of fried rice (which was actually quite nice) and four pieces of probably grilled, not so regular-sized prawns. I was too hungry to bother giving them dirty looks for it.

Next I spent an aimless half an hour sitting down and roaming the mall, trying to think of what to take away for dinner, since I was sleepy and is planning to head home to resume my sleep. I walked slowly in front of the shops, so I could scrutinize the clothes on sale without having to go in and check them out. Suddenly, I heard a guy going "shopping alone?", and something along the same cheesy line quite persistently. My head was glued to my side and when I turned back slightly I saw that a short old man was grinning at me! Okay he's not old, maybe 30 something. But that is still OLD!

I gave him an annoyed look with a raised eyebrow and resumed walking. But he must have thought that I have acknowledged his existence or something, because as I approached the escalator, I heard him again and when I was about to get on, I found out that he has been following me! WTF! This time I gave him a look that says "Are you mentally retarded or something?!" and went down the escalator. I made sure my gaze stayed so he got the message. But him, being man, and perverted, probably thought he "scored" or something. Seriously. Get a brain!

Gosh! There were so many young Malay chicks around today! UITM is on a week holiday, so there are a lot of them girls hanging around the malls, alone and in groups! RAWR! I need to change my appearance to look more expensive so these losers know I am not in their league. Shit. I hope he went and fuck himself.

As annoyed as I was after that, it actually lifted me up a little. I was feeling extremely depressed just moments before, because of a lot of things. His action boosted my ego, and really, what else do you need other than that?

I went back after getting takeaway from subway, prayed and shot two smses to my friends in two different universities asking about their convocation festivals. Just as I was falling asleep, one of them called me and brought me good news. It was such good news I almost couldn't go back to sleep afterwards! I immediately sent an sms to the person in charge. I would call, but I dont think it's good manners to just call up strangers when it's nothing urgent. I received a call back when I woke up xD. I'm as good as in!

Now I need to sleep. After I hang my socks, that is. Tomorrow, err today, I need to clean the house! Ta'ra!

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