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Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I should be studying. But I have too much time. Too much time makes me want to procrastinate.

I visited my long-neglected Friendster account yesterday, just to see what's up. I've been contemplating taking it down for a long time now. But of course, something so popular couldn't just be ignored could it? After all, it's my biggest online social circle since I have only like, 3 people on Multiply. And please don't add me, so I don't have to reject you. My Multiply network is pretty private.

So anyway, with still so many active members on Friendster, I might as well just put up some new pictures for your amusement. So I put the rest of my birthday pictures up. Recent pictures make the page look fresh eh?

I exercised yesterday and nearly died from the effort. I am so unfit. Now I'm being bombarded full blast with soreness. Fun.

I need to clean house, but I'm procrastinating. I so wanna go shopping tomorrow. to TAR road you know. Very pasar minggu. But I need to update my wardrobe, in addition to other things. I don't wanna be so stuck in the past. For God's sake I'm 21. I should act my age. I am only 21 for a year. Next year I'll be 22. And the next 23 aaargh this is depressing. So yeah. I don't wanna be so stuck in the past.

Lately I noticed an increased number of books on my bed. It's normal to have the odd comics but last night I counted a total number of five books! Two comics, two non-fictions and one notebook. Of course, not counting the books on the dressing table which is not exactly a dressing table, but the top of a low wardrobe. This may not be weird under normal circumstances. But this isn't a normal circumstance because my bedroom and workstation are two separate entities here. At home my bedroom is everything; my sleeping chamber, my refuge, my library, my workstation and my play station. I sometimes even pull off cardio aerobics there. My workstation is out in the living room here where my desk and Kuja sit. Therefore having books in the bedroom meant I needed a bedtime read.

...Or I am in one of my insecure panic modes...

The latter is probably true, looking at the titles...

I like going to bed feeling that I've accomplished something, you know? Be it a new idea, another assurance, another money-making scheme or whatever it is related to the Internet and money. Mobility would be the new buzzword of my future. I don't know about you guys. But I don't like going further up the hierarchy only to have more work piled on me.

But the best of luck for you guys who do, though.

I have some stuff to do. Shower, write some birthday cards and maybe wrap a few presents. Finding boxes are hard. I want plain boxes so I can prettify them with wrapping paper you know. Despite my sucky wrapping skills, I like to wrap. I'm a Taurus. Stability and practicality are my embedded qualities in addition to enjoying to do things with my hands. It frees up space in my head to concentrate on other things.

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