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Saturday, November 21, 2009


I'm in the middle of ironing my uniform. Again, I seriously cannot see myself doing this full-time in these hand-me-downs. But I needed the experience.

Anyway, yesterday I finally banked in my cheque. It was so ridiculously simple I wondered why the girl at the counter didn't laugh at me. It will only be cleared after next Wednesday after 4 pm. That's fine since I'm not in need of the money right now.

Though I do have some important purchases to make soon! The X'mas promotion has started! Wheee!

Time for work! Ta'ra!


juan affandi said...

apa kabar tek??
u keja cnei??

dscheah said...

lol i never ironed my uniform once when i worked. it just got washed and hung on my door :D

this is darren, btw. and yes, i have a blog, though it hasn't been updated since before i started working. i plan to resurrect it for the new year XD