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Friday, May 3, 2013


I think most girls are quite easy to please. :/ I don't speak for most girls, don't speak for most guys either. In fact, I lack the right physical anatomy to speak for guys at all. But I already made my thesis statement, so I shall explain.

I found that most girls in a relationship want the same things - love, affection, attention, and presents. No, they don't want these things, they think they are entitled to it. As shallow as that may sound, I agree that that's the primary purpose of a boyfriend - anymore than that is a husband. Not saying that I personally subscribe to these needs, but I shall explain that later. For now, most girls.

When girls are emotionally attached to someone (ie: boyfriend) they obviously think they are in love, and wants to be loved back. So once said feelings are confessed, they become a couple. Therefore, love is a must, regardless of how you define it (attraction? care?).

Next, affection. When a girl is in love she wants affection and tenderness from her boyfriend. I think this is quite common sense generally for people to want affection from their loved ones. This is not the same as attention, because it's about quality, not quantity. A 'good quality' affection cannot be hampered by distance and time apart. A girl knows when she's given good quality affection versus bad ones.

After that is attention. This is where it gets tricky. Both guys and girls require attention from their partners. The difference is how much? Girls usually ask for more attention because that's their nature. A guy may require only a good morning and good night sms on a regular non-date day, but a girl needs good morning, good brunch, good lunch, good afternoon, happy hi-tea, good evening, bon appetit dinner time, good night and ten 'I love you's and 'I miss you's throught the course of the day.

Please bear with me. I'm no expert at relationship matters, but I am going somewhere with this.

And finally, presents. I don't mean just for special occassions like birthdays, anniversaries and Valentine's day. But for little things. Something as common as sulking sometimes can be defused easily with a present. I've seen girls who don't consider themselves 'materialistic' ask for a gift offering.

Maybe for guys who are not financially gifted this is very typical and quite hard to do, but it is actually the easiest. Most girls can easily appeased by a visible/physical token of the heart from their partners. Perhaps I am influenced with the way I am brought up that money was the easiest to ask for from my dad. Asking for his time, his signature, or anything that required him to be there physically was hard but money is easy. Just mention the purpose and amount and it'll get banked in. Or if money can substitute his presence, then even better.

Therefore, because I value a person's time and company more, I think gifts are the easiest thing to give someone. If I sulk, I won't ask my partner for a gift to appease me. I would rather appreciate his time to explain his situation and honesty above all else. I make it sound like all girls are shallow except me, but like I said, I am very surprised to see 'humble' girls demand gifts to appease them. Girls, why cheapen yourselves with gifts!?!??! (unless it's something extremely expensive then maybe, but still, gifts are cheap).

After all, time is the most expensive gift of all. Time lost cannot be replaced, and everything in this world requires the currency of time. Money can buy time, but time can always buy money back.

I think it's a good gauge of someone's commitment to their partner too. How willing are they to spend their time with you and all that.

So guys, be grateful if your girlfriends only need gifts to be appeased. Also, they are shallow, so go find someone else. :P


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