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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Am I Invisible?

For two nights in a row, I was almost cut in the queue by bloody rude foreigners! Here's how!

Last night, after coming back from work, I stopped by McD Bukit Bintang for the triple cheese burger. As usual, it was crowded with tourists. After living here for four years, you become weary of their "rudeness". No, it's no longer a cultural thing. They were being rude. Don't let them make you think otherwise. If it's a dirty look you're given, it is a dirty look. End of story.


I was queuing. Like anyone should. Normally the queues at McDs go quite fast because the person who takes your orders and the one who fulfills it are two different people. So basically there are two queues at each counter; order making and order taking. You go to order making first, and then order taking. So there I was, queueing. Suddenly, this big guy found himself in the order taking queue and was surprised that he didn't get served. After a while he realized he was in the wrong queue and started standing next to the guy in front of me! So I glared.

And glared and glared. He didn't take the hint.

Since I was fourth in line, I was quite curious to see if
1) he will seriously jump queue in front of me
2) knowing that, will the staff serve him first, and
3) If I was patient enough to wait until I humiliate him.

I was third in line.

Pissed, mainly because I'm hungry, tired and am generally pissed at being treated like crap by foreigners at work, I approached him. Remember, he was standing too closely to the guy in front of me.
Me: Excuse me, are you with them? *points to an Arab looking couple in front of the guy in front of me*
Guy: No.
Me: Then you're cutting queue.
Guy: *looked down at me and talking as if yes, I acknowledge you, but I see no problem in standing here anyway* You are after him, right? *indicating the guy in front of me*
Me: Yes, and the back of the line to you.

My words were sharp and clear and he obliged, BY STANDING BEHIND ME! Seriously, which country is this guy from!? THERE ARE PEOPLE BEHIND ME! HE SHOULD BE BEHIND THE PEOPLE BEHIND ME! RAWR! He must have thought he's behind me so he should be after me, but he joined the queue wrongly so he should rightly be at the END OF THE LINE! But despite him being inappropriately close to me after that, I got my rightful place. It's up to the people behind me whether they wanted to put up with him.

I thought that was the end of it. Tonight I went to KFC. KFC has a terrible waiting time because they use the same staff to take and fulfill orders. But I was quite full and I just wanted a snack so I didnt mind the wait. KFC has one of the stupidest system despite this being one of the busiest outlets. But I am used to the stupidity and I was not hungry. And I had a drink to keep me occupied.

KFC had four counters and only two counters, the two at the ends that are open. The two in the middle are perpetually closed. Like I said, stupidity. So there I was, in the queue.I started off being fifth in line. The people at the head of both queues happened to be same group, so while they occupied both counters, once the one in my queue had finished taking his orders, his friend on the other queue canceled, which prompted a cursing frenzy from the tired staffs. I totally understand. And yes, they were foreigners of caucasian looking people who do not speak good english.

Suddenly, a group of men, all with broad built and short cropped hair entered. at first a few of them stood at the closed counter looking up at the menu. After a while of asking for service, they were told (rather unpolitely) by the staff that the counter is closed. Dismayed, they started standing BESIDE THE PERSON IN FRONT OF ME, AGAIN! RAWR! I was second in line damn you!

Again, since this guy was the same height as me, I glared at him. If my eyes could shoot lasers he would have had two holes in place of eyes that time. The people in front of me were locals; father and son. the foreigner was bretahing down their necks and they were getting uncomfortable. It's obvious they wanted to cut queue and it was me, AGAIN! SERIOUSLY, AM I INVISIBLE!?

You don't think I'm going to stay quiet did you? Of course not!

Me: Excuse me sir, there is a queue.
Guy: Well there was this thing with the counter.

He slunk away to the back.

You think a small (comparatively) local girl like me would be intimidated by your foreigner superiority complex?? YOU WISH! If you think that Malaysians are just like some third-world country people bent on extorting money from rich foreigners, then you are wrong. Those are just the taxi drivers. There are plenty of well-educated proud Sarawakians along the streets of KL and we are not to be bullied and intimidated. You, sirs, have picked on the wrong Malaysian.

If I hadn't stood up for myself and let these bastards cut me in queue I would cause a scene somewhere along the lines of:

This guy jumped the line! I was here first! What? YOU HAVEN'T EATEN IN TEN YEARS IS IT!?

I would like to see how they would have reacted to that.

I do admit that Malaysians in general has a too laid back attitude when it comes to foreigners being rude to them. They don't want trouble, they say. Well bullshit! I've had enough of being bullied by the likes of you people who look down on us! If our country is not good enough for you, then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE ANYWAY!? GO BACK TO WHICHEVER HELLHOLE YOU CAME FROM! RAWR!

Being corteous is too hard? Indeed it is.


1 comment:

Kloptops said...

You tell them! In other news, if you come to australia, don't bother with KFC, their food sucks really bad here. XD