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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Why I Love Malaysia?

The week following to our 51st Merdeka Day Independence, I heard radio DJs dish this question out a lot, either to themselves or to the listeners. The reason they came up with are all pretty lame. They love Malaysia for the 'friendly conversation' they have at mamak stalls "ANEE! TEH CANAI TARIK SATU!" And going to a Malay shop saying "Hi kak!" and to a chinese shop going "Yo apek"? Sheesh seriously, the reasons people come up with.

So, take away all these 'friendly conversations' and add up all the rude bastards spitting on the streets and you don't love Malaysia anymore? So Malaysia is unique because we have ice cream and gelato flavors from all over the world, we are multi-racial and our shopping malls are bigger than our airports.


Are we that superficial?

Ask an Afghan why he loves his country, it would not be because they are oil-rich or because they have finally been rid of the Taliban. Who cares if they are living in a warzone and risk getting killed any minute of the day, yet these people still love their country. This is the kind of patriotism that everyone should embrace.

Therefore, to answer my own question: Why do I love Malaysia? I love Malaysia unconditionally. There is no specific reason why I should love my country. It is enough that I was born here, that this country gave me citizenship amd rights. Even if you threaten me with a wok's ass (or confiscate my mykad with said wok's ass) I will still love my country. You could say my love is filial, like how you should love parents just because they are your parents.

It's simple and uncomplicated. I love Malaysia simply because I was born here and Malaysia is my home, regardless of how hot it gets and how much I want to migrate to a cooler country, in the end I'll have my body buried in Malaysian soil anyway. I'm not trying to push my belief onto others, but this is what I believe is right. Political strife and injustice happens everywhere, regardless of which country you're in. If you can name me ten countries where people are happier than we are, I can name you ten more who are the opposite. So stop comparing. Sure, we still have a ways to go as a country, but growth is good right? We as the new generation should step up to the plate and rise to the challenge.

After all, isn't it about time we get off our computer-chair bum and do something for this country?

Happy 51st Merdeka Day fellow countrypeople!

~Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan~


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