Hi I'm Atziluth and I'm from the Island of Shapes. Welcome to The Oblong Corner.
After years of making a presence at Friendster, I finally left it for good. I kept the tagline from Yee 'O Lost Souls (that's my old blog by the way) but changed the name.
I will keep the crap talking to a minimum and provide better crap talking! :D
Anyway, yeah I know the logo has PSP, but this is not a video game blog :P. Though I might talk about video games now and then hehehehe. The theme shows my secret yearning to have a PSP. A metallic pink one at that!
Or not. Still...
I also have another blog. 12 Habits. Every month or so I post up new habits to incorporate into my daily life. So I'm hoping by the end of the 12 months, I'll have broken 12 bad habits and got 12 new ones. Hopefuly good ones XD.
I'll be posting from this blog from now on, so if you find my rants amusing, please do come back once in a while okay? Thanks!
My new holiday home at an undisclosed location
yeah welcome psp girl "metalic pink" ,, liked the pause though xD
about the habit thingi the 1st habit u should start dealing with is nameing things from ur wide imagination for example a car called a car or by its brand u cant call it Lucy , lmao just jk but its a habit i assume , anyway good luck on ur new blog . cheers
Naming things is a good habit :D.
ok this a remixed version of my original post. I was told that the previouse post contains only 1 full stop" there's only one full stop in the whole message" ,
therefor i am posting this again with lots of full stops, and this is the 2nd one . the problem is there is no full stop when i start expressing and discribing. <-- (3rd Full Stop) Somtimes we have to consider others feelings by not useing Full stops . (4th ) In conclusion i think i'v made enough full stops and i am falling sic.(5th)
Note: dont point on spelling this time . (6th Full stop)
about time...
welcome to the puak blogger.
Lol, at last made the port to blogger huh?
Yeah I felt like a big fish in a small pond back in Friendster.
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